CRU Rewards FAQs


CRU Rewards FAQs


Why are we changing up CRU Rewards?

We want to bring clarity to our loyalty rewards and ensure we are rewarding our most loyal customers appropriately. We are moving to a tiered system where the more you shop with us the more you earn!

How will I know which loyalty level I am in?

We will send you an invitation when we launch and confirm which loyalty group you are in. Once the scheme is launched, you will also be able to monitor what level you are in and what you need to spend to get to the next level within your CRU Rewards account online.

When are we launching?

The new CRU Rewards will become live on transactions from 9th December 2020. Don’t worry we’ll send you a reminder a couple of days before

Do I need to do anything?

No, you will be automatically placed in the tier relative to your spend and start earning points relative to your tier from launch date.


Earning Points

Can I earn points when I am redeeming a reward?

Yes, you will earn points on reward redemption orders as well as non-redemption orders.

Will I earn points on transactions when I am using a discount code?

Yes, you will earn points when you are using a discount code. Points will be earnt on the discounted value of the transaction.

Can I be part of CRU rewards if I pay on account?

CRU rewards points are only earnt if goods are paid for at point of purchase.

Will I earn points if I order over the phone?

No the CRU Rewards programme is reserved solely for orders placed with us online or in store. 

Will I be able to earn points on products that are on special offer or at a NET price?

Unfortunately, not, we are unable to offer double discounts on products already on promotion.

Will my points expire?

If you have not made a purchase with us for 12 months your points will expire. If you make a purchase with us at any point in the 12 months your points will be renewed. We will remind you if your points are close to expiry.


Can I use any current on-going discount code?

From launch CRU Rewards earning points will supersede any on-going discount. As we are giving a much larger value of points per transaction, we are unable to offer an ongoing discount code as you will be earning your discount by earning points on purchases.

Will you still be offering discount codes?

Very much so yes, we will be sending out targeted discount codes on a regular basis for online purchases or instore.


Redeeming Rewards

Will I be able to redeem rewards on items that are on special offer?

Yes, you can redeem rewards on your entire basket of goods.

Can I save points up and not use any for a long period of time?

No, CRU Rewards points will be reset if you have not redeemed
any within a 6 month period.